Course Info

Class Information: IT 378 – Database Processing

Time and Room:

T & TH 5.00 – 6.15pm OU 213E


Dr. Ronnie Jia Email: [email protected]
Office Hoursr:
Old Union 304 T: 12 – 12.30pm, 1.50 – 2.20pm & 9.20 – 9.50pm
Th: 12 – 12.30pm, 1.50 – 2.20pm & 4.30 – 5pm (or by appointment)


  • Database Processing: Fundamentals, Design, and Implementation (11e) by Kroenke

    • ISBN 978‐1‐2691‐2442‐3
  • Oracle 11g: SQL by Joan Casteel

    • ISBN 978‐1‐4390‐4128‐4v

Grading Scheme

A = 360‐400 pts, B = 320‐359 pts, C = 280‐319 pts, D = 240‐279 pts, F = less than 240 ptsv

Exams (240 points)

There are three exams, all closed‐book and noncumulative. Materials for the exams will be taken from lectures, labs and assignments. No make‐up exams unless the student has a documented illness or emergency. Punctuality is important; no one will be admitted once the first student turns in the exam. Note: One must total at least 168 points (70%) on the exams to earn a course grade of “B” or higher.
This syllabus is a living document and is subject to change.

Assignments (70 points)

Effective learning of technical course material requires practice. To receive credit for lab assignments, the work must be checked in class by the instructor. Submission via other means (e.g., email, hardcopy) will NOT be accepted and thus will not receive credit. NO late work will be accepted unless the student has a documented illness or emergency.

Database Project (70 points)

Students will work on a database design and implementation project to integrate and apply what you have learned in the class. Project deliverables and respective due dates will be provided in class at a later date. Submissions that are less than 24 hours late will be accepted with a 20% deduction; those that are more than 24 hours late will not be accepted unless there is a documented emergency. The instructor reserves the right to assign different assignment/project grades to different team members based on team participation and contribution (i.e., no free rides).

Attendance (20 points)

Regular attendance is important. Each student starts the semester with a perfect attendance score, and each subsequent absence leads to a deduction of 4 points unless there is a documented illness or emergency. Note that those who are not present throughout the entire class session (e.g., leaving early, arriving late for more than 5 min) will be deemed as absent. The absent student will be responsible for the materials, assignments and/or announcements missed.